Details for: Kira Mizell
Kira Mizell (U.S. Geological Survey)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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(2023) Rare-Earth Element Enrichment as a Function of Water Depth in Recent Growth of Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts
Rodriguez C, Kelley K & Mizell K(2022) Trace Element Enrichments in Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts as a Function of Seawater Properties
Rodriguez C, Kelley K, Mizell K & Ballard R(2020) Processes that Impact the Composition of FeMn Crusts from the Pacific Ocean and their Use in Refining Permissive Criteria
Mizell K, Hein JR, Lam PJ, Koppers AAP & Staudigel H(2019) Ferromanganese Crusts and Associated Minerals from the Rio Grande Rise, SW Atlantic Ocean
Benites M, Hein JR, Mizell K, Whisman S & Jovane L(2019) Global Tonnage of Marine FeMn Nodules, Crusts and Associated Metals: Comparisons with Terrestrial Resources
Hein J, Whisman S & Mizell K(2019) Lead Enrichment and Speciation in the Carbonate Fluorapatite Phase of Phosphatized Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A(2018) Lead Phase Transfer during Phosphatization of Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A(2018) Origin of Detritus in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean Based on Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopic Signatures
Konstantinova N, Mizell K, Hein JR, Cherkashov G & Dreyer B(2016) Controls on La and Ce Enrichment in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts
Ren X, Hein JR, Zhu A, Shi X & Mizell K(2016) Halogens: Another Piece of the Puzzle for Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K & Hein J(2016) Scandium Enrichment in Arctic Ocean Fe-Mn Crusts: Where Does the Sc Come from?
Hein JR, Mikesell M & Mizell K(2015) Penrhyn Basin Manganese Nodules, a Potential Resource for Rare Earth Elements, Titanium, and Cobalt
Hein J & Mizell K(2023) Rare-Earth Element Enrichment as a Function of Water Depth in Recent Growth of Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts
Rodriguez C, Kelley K & Mizell K(2022) Trace Element Enrichments in Pacific Ferromanganese Crusts as a Function of Seawater Properties
Rodriguez C, Kelley K, Mizell K & Ballard R(2020) Processes that Impact the Composition of FeMn Crusts from the Pacific Ocean and their Use in Refining Permissive Criteria
Mizell K, Hein JR, Lam PJ, Koppers AAP & Staudigel H(2019) Lead Enrichment and Speciation in the Carbonate Fluorapatite Phase of Phosphatized Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A(2019) Global Tonnage of Marine FeMn Nodules, Crusts and Associated Metals: Comparisons with Terrestrial Resources
Hein J, Whisman S & Mizell K(2019) Ferromanganese Crusts and Associated Minerals from the Rio Grande Rise, SW Atlantic Ocean
Benites M, Hein JR, Mizell K, Whisman S & Jovane L(2018) Lead Phase Transfer during Phosphatization of Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K, Hein JR & Koschinsky A(2018) Origin of Detritus in Ferromanganese Crusts from the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean Based on Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopic Signatures
Konstantinova N, Mizell K, Hein JR, Cherkashov G & Dreyer B(2016) Halogens: Another Piece of the Puzzle for Fe-Mn Crusts
Mizell K & Hein J(2016) Scandium Enrichment in Arctic Ocean Fe-Mn Crusts: Where Does the Sc Come from?
Hein JR, Mikesell M & Mizell K(2016) Controls on La and Ce Enrichment in Marine Ferromanganese Crusts
Ren X, Hein JR, Zhu A, Shi X & Mizell K(2015) Penrhyn Basin Manganese Nodules, a Potential Resource for Rare Earth Elements, Titanium, and Cobalt
Hein J & Mizell KSession convener
Goldschmidt2018 - Session 05g: Constraining the Formation of Modern and Ancient Marine Mineral Deposits