Details for: Emily Worsham
Emily Worsham (University of Münster)
Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) Constraining the Late Heavy Bombardment of the Moon Using Ru Isotopes in Lunar Impactites
Worsham E & Kleine T(2019) Characterizing Impactors on the HED Parent Body and the Moon Using Mo and Ru Isotopes
Worsham E & Kleine T(2017) The Carbonaceous and non-CArbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy: Implications for the Mo-Ru Cosmic Correlation
Worsham E, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M, Kruijer T & Kleine T(2020) Constraining the Late Heavy Bombardment of the Moon Using Ru Isotopes in Lunar Impactites
Worsham E & Kleine T(2019) Characterizing Impactors on the HED Parent Body and the Moon Using Mo and Ru Isotopes
Worsham E & Kleine T(2017) The Carbonaceous and non-CArbonaceous Meteorite Dichotomy: Implications for the Mo-Ru Cosmic Correlation
Worsham E, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M, Kruijer T & Kleine TSession convener
Goldschmidt2020 - Session 01g: Protoplanetary Disk Evolution and Early Solar System Dynamics