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Details for: Thomas Bullen

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: tdbullen@usgs.gov. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2013) Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J

(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M

(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M

(2013) Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J

(2012) Marine Terrace Soils along the West Coast of North America: A Weathering Archive?
Schulz M, Lawrence C, Stonestrom D, Bullen T, Harden J, White A, Fitzpatrick J & Masiello C

(2005) The Relationships between Groundwater Discharge and the Lower Jordan River
Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marei A, Bullen T, Mayer B, Holtzman R, Segal M & Shavit U

Session convener

Goldschmidt2015 - Session 07j: Metal Stable Isotopes (non-Chons) as Tracers of Ecosystem Processes
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 20g: Advances in Accurate and Precise Chemical and Isotopic Analysis: Your Data are Only as Good as Your Standards and Methods!
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 15i: Metal Stable Isotope Signals in Earth's Oceans and Seas
Goldschmidt2010 - Session 14e: Isotope Tracers of Critical Zone Processes and Function
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 15f: Linking Isotope Biogeochemistry to Water Resource Science: Old Questions, New Directions, Policy Implications

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