Details for: Thomas Bullen
Thomas Bullen (U.S. Geological Survey)
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(2015) Controls on the Ca-Sr-Ba Stable Isotope Composition of the Exchange Pool along a Soil Climosequence
Bullen T, Chadwick O & Fitzpatrick J(2013) A "non-Chons" Stable Isotope View on Weathering and Hydrology
Bullen T(2013) Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M
(2011) The Expansion of Metal Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry into Biomedicine
Bullen T & Croteau M-N(2010) Evidence of Iron Isotope Fractionation due to Biologic Lifting in a Soil Chronosequence
Schulz M, Bullen T, White A & Fitzpatrick J(2010) Stable Isotope Signals of Metal Contaminants in the Environment: The Search Continues
Bullen T & Widory D(2009) Formation Fluids-CO2-Sediment Interactions: Minimizing Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage
Kharaka Y, Cole D, Thordsen J, Kakouros E & Bullen T(2009) Lab vs Field Granite Weathering: A 12 Year Experiment
White A, Vivit D, Schulz M, Fitzpatrick J & Bullen T(2009) Multi-Isotope Approaches for Identification of Metal Contamination Sources in Environmental Systems
Bullen T, Widory D & Petelet-Giraud E(2009) Multi-Isotopic (H, O, C, S, Li, B, Si, Sr, Nd) Approach for Geothermal Fluid Characterization in Iceland
Millot R, Àsmundsson R, Négrel P, Sanjuan B & Bullen T(2009) δ53Cr Mixing, Fractionation and Exchange in Contaminant Plumes
Izbicki J, Bullen T, Martin P & Schroth B(2008) Chemical Interactions in Rainfall/Shallow Soil Pore Water in Coastal Watersheds
White A, Bullen T, Vivit D & Schulz M(2008) Chromium Mobilization from the Unsaturated Zone
Izbicki J, Kulp T, Bullen T, Ball J & O'Leary D(2008) Evidence for a Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle during the Past 30 Million Years from a Record of Calcium Isotopes in Marine Barite
Griffith E, Paytan A & Bullen T(2002) Cr Stable Isotopes: Measurement, Systematics and Applications
Johnson TM, Ellis AS & Bullen TD(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation: Does Equilibrium or Disequilibrium Rule?
Bullen T, White A, Mandernack K & Witte K(2002) SHRIMP RG Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr in Granitoid Calcites; Implications for Calcite Petrogenesis
Schulz M, White A, Bacon C, Weber P & Bullen T(2015) Controls on the Ca-Sr-Ba Stable Isotope Composition of the Exchange Pool along a Soil Climosequence
Bullen T, Chadwick O & Fitzpatrick J(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M
(2013) Comparison of δ53Cr Ratios between Geogenic and Anthropogenic Chromium in Central European Waters
Novak M, Chrastny V, Farkas J, Bullen TD, Cadkova E, Szurmanova Z, Tylcer J, Erbanova L, Prechova E & Pasava J(2013) A "non-Chons" Stable Isotope View on Weathering and Hydrology
Bullen T(2012) Investigating Controls on Calcium Isotope Ratios in Marine Carbonates and Barite Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E, Fantle M, Bullen T, Eisenhauer A & Paytan A(2012) A Sr Isotope Survey of a Marine Terrace Chronosequence: Equilibrium Interrupted
Fitzpatrick J, Schulz M, Bain D, Bullen T & White A(2012) Landscape-Scale Pedogenic Relationships between Soil Carbon and Secondary Metal Oxides in Hubbard Brook Podzols, Northeastern US
Bourgault R, Ross D, Bailey S, Brousseau P, Gannon J, McGuire K & Bullen T(2012) Determining Solute Sources and Water Flowpaths in Catchments Using the Ca-Sr-Ba Multi-Tracer
Bullen T, Bailey S & McGuire K(2012) Marine Terrace Soils along the West Coast of North America: A Weathering Archive?
Schulz M, Lawrence C, Stonestrom D, Bullen T, Harden J, White A, Fitzpatrick J & Masiello C(2011) The Expansion of Metal Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry into Biomedicine
Bullen T & Croteau M-N(2010) Stable Isotope Signals of Metal Contaminants in the Environment: The Search Continues
Bullen T & Widory D(2010) Evidence of Iron Isotope Fractionation due to Biologic Lifting in a Soil Chronosequence
Schulz M, Bullen T, White A & Fitzpatrick J(2009) Multi-Isotopic (H, O, C, S, Li, B, Si, Sr, Nd) Approach for Geothermal Fluid Characterization in Iceland
Millot R, Àsmundsson R, Négrel P, Sanjuan B & Bullen T(2009) Multi-Isotope Approaches for Identification of Metal Contamination Sources in Environmental Systems
Bullen T, Widory D & Petelet-Giraud E(2009) δ53Cr Mixing, Fractionation and Exchange in Contaminant Plumes
Izbicki J, Bullen T, Martin P & Schroth B(2009) Lab vs Field Granite Weathering: A 12 Year Experiment
White A, Vivit D, Schulz M, Fitzpatrick J & Bullen T(2009) Formation Fluids-CO2-Sediment Interactions: Minimizing Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage
Kharaka Y, Cole D, Thordsen J, Kakouros E & Bullen T(2008) Chemical Interactions in Rainfall/Shallow Soil Pore Water in Coastal Watersheds
White A, Bullen T, Vivit D & Schulz M(2008) Chromium Mobilization from the Unsaturated Zone
Izbicki J, Kulp T, Bullen T, Ball J & O'Leary D(2008) Evidence for a Dynamic Marine Calcium Cycle during the Past 30 Million Years from a Record of Calcium Isotopes in Marine Barite
Griffith E, Paytan A & Bullen T(2007) Potential Environmental Issues of CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers: Geochemical Results from the Frio Brine Pilot Tests, Texas, USA
Kharaka Y, Thordsen J, Hovorka S, Cole D, Phelps T & Bullen T(2006) Distinguishing Between Lithogenic and Biogenic Processes in Soil Weathering Environments
White A, Schulz M, Vivit D, Bullen TD & Aggarwal J(2006) Isotopic fractionation of tellurium during reduction of Te(IV) and Te(VI) to Te(0)
Bullen T, Baesman S, Oremland R & Aggarwal J(2005) Tracing Sources, Movement, and Fate of Hexavalent Cr in Ground Water Using Cr Stable Isotope Variations
Ball J, Izbicki J, Bullen T & Johnson T(2005) Seawater Calcium Isotopes from Marine Barite: A Potential Record of Carbonate Deposition in the Oceans
Morris E, Paytan A & Bullen T(2005) Cr Isotopes as Indicators of Cr(VI) Reduction and Contaminant Sources
Johnson T, Bullen T, Ellis A, Sikora E & Kitchen J(2005) Weathering and Uptake of Silicon in the Santa Cruz Terraces: New Evidence from Silicon Isotopes
Aggarwal J, White A & Bullen T(2005) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Oxidation of Cr(III) by Manganese Oxides
Bain D & Bullen T(2005) The Relationships between Groundwater Discharge and the Lower Jordan River
Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marei A, Bullen T, Mayer B, Holtzman R, Segal M & Shavit U(2004) Fe Isotopic Composition of Rivers
Fantle M, Bullen T & Depaolo D(2004) Initial Results Describing the Scales of Contempory and Geologic Weathering on Marine Terraces, Santa Cruz, California, USA
White A, Schulz M, Vivit D, Bullen T & Blum A(2003) Ca Isotope Fractionation during Ca-Carbonate Precipitation: There’s More to it Than Temperature
Bullen T, Kim S & Paytan A(2003) Geochemical and Isotopic (Sr, B, O, H) Characterization of Groundwater from the Lower Cretaceous Sandstone Aquifer in the Negev and Arava Valley, Israel
Henig S, Vengosh A, Ganor J & Bullen T(2002) Cr Stable Isotopes: Measurement, Systematics and Applications
Johnson TM, Ellis AS & Bullen TD(2002) SHRIMP RG Measurements of 87Sr/86Sr in Granitoid Calcites; Implications for Calcite Petrogenesis
Schulz M, White A, Bacon C, Weber P & Bullen T(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation: Does Equilibrium or Disequilibrium Rule?
Bullen T, White A, Mandernack K & Witte K(2001) Bacterial Influences on the Concentration of Trace Metals and the Isotopic Composition of Fe Released from Minerals into Solution
Guynn RL, Brantley SL, Liermann L, Bullen TD, Anbar A & Barling J(2000) A Model Describing Differential Rates of Feldspar Weathering in Granitic Regoliths
White A, Bullen T, Schulz M, Blum A, Huntington T & Peters N(2000) Fractionation of Fe Isotopes by Soil Microbes and Organic Acids
Brantley S, Liermann L, Guynn R & Bullen TSession convener
Goldschmidt2015 - Session 07j: Metal Stable Isotopes (non-Chons) as Tracers of Ecosystem Processes
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 20g: Advances in Accurate and Precise Chemical and Isotopic Analysis: Your Data are Only as Good as Your Standards and Methods!
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 15i: Metal Stable Isotope Signals in Earth's Oceans and Seas
Goldschmidt2010 - Session 14e: Isotope Tracers of Critical Zone Processes and Function
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 15f: Linking Isotope Biogeochemistry to Water Resource Science: Old Questions, New Directions, Policy Implications