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Details for: Steve Larter

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: slarter@ucalgary.ca. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2017) The 1979 Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Revisited
Radovic J, Lincoln S, Silva R, Jaggi A, Romero I, Schwing P, Larson R, Brooks G, Freeman K, Hollander D, Larter S & Oldenburg T

(2015) FTICR-MS – Towards Reaction Systems Models in Petroleum Geochemistry
Oldenburg TBP, Silva RC, Radovic J, Snowdon RW, Gonzalez-Arismendi GP, Brown M & Larter SR

(2015) High-Resolution Geochemical Characterization of Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs from Northern Alberta
Gonzalez-Arismendi G, Huang H, Weerawardhena P, Silva RC, Snowdon RW, Radovic J, Larter SR & Oldenburg TBP

(2017) The 1979 Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Revisited
Radovic J, Lincoln S, Silva R, Jaggi A, Romero I, Schwing P, Larson R, Brooks G, Freeman K, Hollander D, Larter S & Oldenburg T

(2015) High-Resolution Geochemical Characterization of Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs from Northern Alberta
Gonzalez-Arismendi G, Huang H, Weerawardhena P, Silva RC, Snowdon RW, Radovic J, Larter SR & Oldenburg TBP

(2015) FTICR-MS – Towards Reaction Systems Models in Petroleum Geochemistry
Oldenburg TBP, Silva RC, Radovic J, Snowdon RW, Gonzalez-Arismendi GP, Brown M & Larter SR

(2012) Canadian Oil Sands; A Window on the Deep Petroleum Biosphere
Head I, Gray N, Sherry A, Maguire M, Grant R, Hubert C, Aitken C, Jones M, Oldenburg T, Bennett B & Larter S

(2012) The Location of Microrganisms in Petroleum Reservoirs
Larter S, Bennett B, Oldenburg T, Adams J & Head I

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2011 - Theme 10: Earth resources : Energy


Goldschmidt2015: 2014 Alfred Treibs Medal

Session convener

Goldschmidt2015 - Session 09e: Problems with Proxies: The Generation, Transport, Mixing and Alteration of Biomarker and Other Biogeochemical Proxy Systems in Environmental and Energy Related Settings
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 10e: Towards the Geochemical Tricorder – Advances in Geochemical Microtechnology, Sampling and Sensing Systems:

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