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Details for: Samantha Joye

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: mjoye@uga.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Flow and Short- and Long-Term Carbon Dynamics at Tidally Impacted Coastal Interfaces in the SE USA
Meile C, Schalles J, Peterson R, O'Donnell J, Bice K, Medeiros P, Di Iorio D, Hopkinson C, Joye S, Stegen J, Goldman A, Thomle J, Danczak R & Whonders T

(2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB

(2019) Flow and Short- and Long-Term Carbon Dynamics at Tidally Impacted Coastal Interfaces in the SE USA
Meile C, Schalles J, Peterson R, O'Donnell J, Bice K, Medeiros P, Di Iorio D, Hopkinson C, Joye S, Stegen J, Goldman A, Thomle J, Danczak R & Whonders T

(2014) The Microbial Response to the Deepwater Horizon Deep-Sea Plume
Kleindienst S, Grim S, Seidel M, Ziervogel K, Perkins M, Allen A, Passow U, Crespo-Medina M, Field J, Dittmar T, Medeiros P, Sogin M & Joye SB

(2000) Abiotic Interactions of Aqueous Chromium Ions with Iron Oxide Surfaces
Brown Jr. GE, Chambers SA, Amonette JE, Rustad JR, Kendelewicz T, Doyle CS, Grolimund D, Foster-Mills NS, Joyce SA & Thevuthasan S

Theme chair

Goldschmidt2009 - Theme 16: Life at the Edge: Extreme Environments


Goldschmidt2020: Endowed Biogeochemistry Lecture

Session convener

Goldschmidt2014 - Session 18b: Life at Limits and Life on Oil and Gas
Goldschmidt2011 - Session 17c: Methane Cycling in Marine and Terrestrial Environments
Goldschmidt2010 - Session 02f: The Evolutionary History of Sulfur Metabolisms: Innovation, Ecology, and their Role in Earth's Evolving Geochemistry
Goldschmidt2009 - Session 16c: Production and Consumption of Methane and Higher Alkanes in Extreme Environments

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