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Details for: Matthew Ginder-Vogel

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: mgindervogel@wisc.edu. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M

(2020) Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Hyper-Alkalination of the Liquid- Condensed Phase
Constantz B, Bewernitz M, Schneider J, Camire C, Kang S-H, Bourcier W, Ginder-Vogel M & Wade R

(2022) Combined 226Ra + 228Ra Analysis in Groundwater by MC-ICPMS
Scott SR, Mathews M, Plechacek A, Krinke G, Populin M & Ginder-Vogel M

(2021) Transport-Reaction Modeling of Particulate Organic Matter and Oxygen Dynamics in Riverbed Sediments
Roden EE, Bulur E, Napieralski SA, Loheide SP, Ginder-Vogel M, Zahasky C, Arntzen E & Ghosh RN

(2020) Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Through Hyper-Alkalination of the Liquid- Condensed Phase
Constantz B, Bewernitz M, Schneider J, Camire C, Kang S-H, Bourcier W, Ginder-Vogel M & Wade R

(2005) Insitu Biological Reduction of Uranium within Fractured Saprolite
Ginder-Vogel M, Wu W, Gu B, Carley J, Nyman J, Criddle C, Jardine P & Fendorf S


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