Details for: Mattias Ek
Mattias Ek (University of Bristol)
Goldschmidt Conference Archive Goldschmidt2016 Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2018 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: Otherwise, try an advanced search.
(2020) The Origin of S-Process Isotope Heterogeneity in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk
Ek M, Hunt AC, Lugaro M & Schönbächler M(2024) The Nucleosynthetic Heritage of Bennu
Schönbächler M, Rüfenacht M, Meyer LAE, Ek M, Liszewska KM, Fehr MA, Render J, Shollenberger QR, Wimpenny J, Brennecka G, Barnes JJ, Nguyen AN, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS(2024) Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Bennu’s Primitive Provenance
Brennecka G, Render J, Shollenberger QR, Wimpenny J, Armytage R, Simon JI, Rüfenacht M, Meyer LAE, Ek M, Liszewska KM, Fehr MA, Schönbächler M, Barnes JJ, Nguyen AN, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS(2023) Can Nucleosynthetic Isotope Variations Reveal the Impact Origin of Pallasites?
Liszewska KM, Hunt AC, Ek M & Schönbächler M(2023) Abundances from Stellar Burning for Comparison to Meteorite Data
Lugaro M, Ek M, K Peto M, Pignatari M, Makhatadze GV, Onyett IJ, Balázs GG, Roberti L & Schönbächler M(2020) The Origin of S-Process Isotope Heterogeneity in the Solar Protoplanetary Disk
Ek M, Hunt AC, Lugaro M & Schönbächler M(2018) Mass-Dependent Pd Isotope Systematics of Iron Meteorites
Ek M, Hunt AC & Schönbächler M(2017) Combining W and Pt Isotopes with Thermal Modelling to Determine the Evolution of the IAB Parent Asteroid
Hunt AC, Cook DL, Lichtenberg T, Reger PM, Ek M, Golabek GJ & Schönbächler M(2016) Nucleosynthetic Pd Isotope Variations in Iron Meteorites
Ek M, Hunt AC & Schönbächler M(2015) The Distribution of P-Process 190Pt in the Early Solar System
Hunt A, Ek M & Schönbächler MSession convener
Goldschmidt2020 - Session 01g: Protoplanetary Disk Evolution and Early Solar System Dynamics