Details for: Lorraine Tual
Lorraine Tual (Swedish Museum of Natural History)
Goldschmidt2017 Goldschmidt2019 Goldschmidt2020
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(2021) Insight into REE Systematics and Age Records of Metamorphosed Garnet from High-Resolution Trace-Element Mapping
Smit M, Guilmette C, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Tual L, Ratschbacher L, Scherer EE & Mezger K(2021) Rapid, Paced Garnet Growth in Blueschists from Lu-Hf Dating of Laser-Cut Domains Combined with Trace-Element Mapping
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M & Foulds I(2018) Advancing Petrochronology: Linking Zircon and Monazite to Garnet
Tual L, Kooijman E & Smit M(2017) Unravelling a HP-HT Prograde Metamorphic History from Quartz and Rutile Inclusions in Garnet
Tual L, Möller C, Pitra P & Whitehouse M(2023) Taking the Pulse on Garnet Through Lu-Hf Domain Chronology in Alpine Metapelites
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M, Musiyachenko K, Majka J & Foulds I(2021) Rapid, Paced Garnet Growth in Blueschists from Lu-Hf Dating of Laser-Cut Domains Combined with Trace-Element Mapping
Tual L, Smit M, Cutts J, Kooijman E, Kielman-Schmitt M & Foulds I(2021) Insight into REE Systematics and Age Records of Metamorphosed Garnet from High-Resolution Trace-Element Mapping
Smit M, Guilmette C, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E, Tual L, Ratschbacher L, Scherer EE & Mezger K(2020) Comparative Chronology of Garnet, Zircon and Monazite in (Ultra)high-Temperature and -Pressure Rocks
Tual L, Smit M, Kooijman E & Schmitt M(2018) Advancing Petrochronology: Linking Zircon and Monazite to Garnet
Tual L, Kooijman E & Smit M(2017) Unravelling a HP-HT Prograde Metamorphic History from Quartz and Rutile Inclusions in Garnet
Tual L, Möller C, Pitra P & Whitehouse M(2015) Orogenic Footprints in Zircon: Examples from the Baltic Shield
Andersson J, Möller C, Tual L, Johansson L & Whitehouse MJ