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Details for: JoAnn Holloway

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: jholloway@usgs.gov. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2019) Insights to Hydrothermal Processes Using Mercury Isotope Ratios
Holloway JM, Janssen SE, Krabbenhoft DP, McCleskey RB & Nordstrom DK

(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Methylmercury Production in a Managed Wetland Ecosystem
Holloway J, Mills C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Alpers C, Windham-Meyers L, Fleck J & Goldhaber M

(2019) Insights to Hydrothermal Processes Using Mercury Isotope Ratios
Holloway JM, Janssen SE, Krabbenhoft DP, McCleskey RB & Nordstrom DK

(2012) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization for a Prairie Potholes Ecosystem
Holloway JM, Goldhaber MB, Mills CT, Aiken GR & Butler KD

(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Methylmercury Production in a Managed Wetland Ecosystem
Holloway J, Mills C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Alpers C, Windham-Meyers L, Fleck J & Goldhaber M


Goldschmidt2020: Mentor (Mentoring Darla Bennett, Timothy Hampel)
Goldschmidt2019: Mentor (Mentoring Caixia Sun, Kibeum Kim)
Goldschmidt2018: Mentor (Mentoring Alisia Holland, Karen Spaleta)
Goldschmidt2017: Mentor (Mentoring Todd Longbottom)

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