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Details for: Julie Prytulak

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Note: abstracts are only listed if one of the following email addresses was provided when the abstract was submitted: j.prytulak@imperial.ac.uk. Otherwise, try an advanced search.

(2017) Some Stable Isotope Stories About Magmas, Melting and Minerals
Prytulak J
This presentation is the Houtermans Award. Awarded during plenary on Monday 14th August

(2017) Vanadium Isotope Composition of Lunar Basalts
Hopkins S, Prytulak J, Barling J, Russell S & Halliday A

(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J

(2014) Using Thallium Isotopes to Trace Slab Fluxes in the Aleutian Arc
Nielsen S, Kading T, Blusztajn J, Plank T, Prytulak J & Yogodzinski G

(2014) Veritas in Vanadium? Stable Isotope Signatures from the Marianas, MORB and Magnetite
Prytulak J, Sossi P, O'Neill H, Plank T, Elliott T, Nielsen S & Halliday A

(2017) Vanadium Isotope Composition of Lunar Basalts
Hopkins S, Prytulak J, Barling J, Russell S & Halliday A

(2017) Some Stable Isotope Stories About Magmas, Melting and Minerals
Prytulak J
This presentation is the Houtermans Award. Awarded during plenary on Monday 14th August

(2016) Isotopic Constraints on Subduction Initiation and Evolution: IODP Exp. 352 (Bonin Forearc)
Prytulak J, Li H, Taylor R, Godard M, Ryan J, Mangler M, Shervais J, Reagan M & Pearce J

(2014) Veritas in Vanadium? Stable Isotope Signatures from the Marianas, MORB and Magnetite
Prytulak J, Sossi P, O'Neill H, Plank T, Elliott T, Nielsen S & Halliday A

(2014) Using Thallium Isotopes to Trace Slab Fluxes in the Aleutian Arc
Nielsen S, Kading T, Blusztajn J, Plank T, Prytulak J & Yogodzinski G

(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M

(2009) Slab Components in the Mariana Arc: Light, Heavy and Novel
Elliott T, Avanzinelli R, Prytulak J, Willbold M & Bouman C

(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G


Goldschmidt2017: Houtermans Award

Session convener

Goldschmidt2016 - Session 05a: Crust-Mantle Processes: A Stable Isotope Perspective
Goldschmidt2014 - Session 08b: Stable Isotope Tracers of Magmatic Processes
Goldschmidt2013 - Session 05g: New Tracers in Mantle Geochemistry

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