All abstracts by Simon W. Poulton at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Fe Partitioning and Bioavailability in Plant Ash and Char
Till JL, Poulton SW, Mankasingh U & Ragnarsdóttir KV |
(2019) Stepwise Increases in Earth Oxygenation are an Inherent Property of Global Biogeochemical Cycling
Alcott L, Mills B & Poulton S |
(2019) Life after the Sturtian
Van Maldegem L, Kipp M, Krause A, Poulton S, Tosca N, Clayton K, Rooney A, Hope J & Brocks J |
(2019) Integrated Redox and Nutrient Cycling in the Fossiliferous Terminal Ediacaran Nama Group, Namibia
Bowyer F, Shore A, Wood R & Poulton S |
(2019) Reconstructing Atmospheric Oxygen Concentrations during the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic
Krause A, Mills B, Lenton T & Poulton S |
(2019) Testing the Value and Limitations of Redox-Sensitive Biomarker Proxies
Kinsley J, Poulton S, Kipp M, van Maldegem L & Brocks J |
(2019) Low Dissolved Phosphorus Content in the Mesoarchean Ocean Limited Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Ossa Ossa F, Hofmann A, Spangenberg JE, Poulton SW, Stüeken EE, Schoenberg R, Eickmann B, Wille M & Bekker A |