All abstracts by Magnús T. Guðmundsson at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) Seafloor Alteration Traced by Stable Isotope (δ44Ca, δ34S, δ18O) Fractionation of Sulfates
Jónasson K, Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Whitehouse MJ, Zierenberg RA, Weisenberger TB, Friðleifsson GÓ, Jackson MD & Guðmundsson MT |
(2019) Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids in the Oceanic Crust – A Case Study from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Weisenberger TB, Prause S, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Jackson MD, Guðmundsson MT, Þórisson D & Þorbjarnardóttir ÞM |