All abstracts by Ida Di Carlo at Goldschmidt2019
(2019) REE-Rich Carbonatites Immiscible with Phonolitic Magma
Nabyl Z, Massuyeau M, Gaillard F, Tuduri J, Iacono-Marziano G, Rogerie G, Le Trong E, Di Carlo I, Melleton J & Bailly L |
(2019) The Effects of F, Cl, P and H2O on the Immiscibility and Rare Metals Partitionning between Carbonate and Phonolite Melts
Gaillard F, Nabyl Z, Tuduri J, Di Carlo I, Melleton J & Bailly L |
(2019) Halogens Partitioning between Apatite, Fluid and Silicate Melts
Rondet M, Scaillet B, Pichavant M & Di Carlo I |