All abstracts by Robert Frei at Goldschmidt2018
(2018) Cr Isotope Fractionation during Sorption on Kaolinite and its Implications for Using Black Shales as a Paleoredox Archive
Frank AB, Klaebe RM & Frei R |
(2018) Controls on Element Exchange in Ultramafic-Hosted Plumasite-Type Corundum, South-East Greenland
Poulsen MD, Keulen N, van Hinsberg VJ, Kolb J, Frei R, Wennemann T & Thomsen TB |
(2018) Fingerprinting the Origin of Soapstone/Steatite from the Nuuk-Region (Southern West-Greenland)
Poulsen MD, Keulen N & Frei R |