All abstracts by George Luther at Goldschmidt2012
(2012) Biogenicity of Iron Microfossils Based on the Morphology, Physiology, and Behavior of Modern Iron-Depositing Microbes
Krepski ST, Hredzak-Showalter PL, Emerson D, Luther Iii GW & Chan CS |
(2012) Understanding Sediment Interfaces with Voltammetric Microelectrodes: Two Decades of Science and fun with Bjorn Sundby
Luther G, Madison A, Mucci A, Tebo B & Sundby B |
(2012) The Coupling of Voltammetric Microelectrodes with Optical Microscopy: A Novel Combination as Applied to the Study of Neutrophilic Iron Oxidizers
Hredzak-Showalter P, Krepski S, Chan C, Emerson D & Luther G |
(2012) Hydrothermal Vents as a Source of Pyrite and Trace Metal- Containing Mineral Nanoparticles to the Oceans
Gartman A, Yucel M & Luther G |
(2012) In situ Determination of Sulfide Oxidation Rates in the Green Sulfur Bacterium Chlorobaculum Tepidum
MacDonald D, Luther G, Hanson T, Findlay A, Shuman K & Hess D |