All abstracts by Peter W. Kubik at Goldschmidt 2007
(2007) Transient Landscape Evolution Following Uplift in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes
Vanacker V, von Blanckenburg F, Govers G & Kubik P |
(2007) Quantifying Accelerated Surface Denudation as a Result of External Forcing
Norton K, von Blanckenburg F, Schlunegger F, Schwab M & Kubik P |
(2007) Determination of Production Rates of Cosmogenic Nuclides Based on Data from Large Landslides in the Alps
Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik P, Alfimov V & Synal H-A |
(2007) Modeling Cosmogenic Nuclide Accumulation during Sediment Transport in the Upper Amazon Basin
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Guyot J-L & Kubik PW |