All abstracts by Reto Gieré at Goldschmidt2012
(2012) Characterization of Combustion Products from Biomass Pellets
Maschowski C, Giere R & Trouve G |
(2012) Trace Element Mobility and Root Iron Plaque Effects on Rice Growth in a Coal Mining Area of North Vietnam
Martinez RE, Marquez JE, Hoa HTB & Giere R |
(2012) Tire-Wear Particles and their Impact on Human Lung Cells
Wenzel M, Ebeling S, Merfort I, Dietzte V & Giere R |
(2012) Schwertmannite Formation in Acid Mine Drainage in NE Viet Nam
Giere R, Hoang-Hoa TB, Martinez R & Wirth R |
(2012) Characterization of Re-suspended Ash from the Eyjafjallajökull
Sommer F, Dietze V, Grobety B & Giere R |