All abstracts by Robert J. Bodnar at Goldschmidt 2001
(2001) Microanalysis of Crystallized Melt Inclusions
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ |
(2001) Characterization of the Magmatic-To-Hydrothermal Transition in Barren vs. Mineralized Granites
Audétat A, Pettke T, Thomas R & Bodnar RJ |
(2001) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe Determination of Halides in Natural and Synthetic Aqueous-Fluid Inclusions: Analytical Protocol for Low-Salinity Inclusions
Gray JC, Vanko DA, Bodnar RJ, Sutton SR & Lanzirotti A |
(2001) Melt Inclusions in Zircon: Microautoclaves for Determination of Trace Element Partition Coefficients
Thomas JB, Bodnar RJ & Shimizu N |
(2001) Melt Inclusions in Nakhla as Monitors of Parental Melts on Mars
Stockstill KR, Bodnar RJ, McSween Jr. HY & Benedix GK |
(2001) Studies of Melt Inclusion Chemistry in Basalts of the South Georgia Rift Basin Near Charleston, SC, USA
Branton WJ, Morris DP, Hames WE & Bodnar RJ |