All abstracts by Daniel Wielandt at Goldschmidt2016
(2016) Linking the Formation Pathways of Organic Matter in Chondrites to their Accretion Regions
van Kooten E, Nagashima K, Kasama T, Balogh Z, Ramsey J, Frimann S, Franchi I, Wampfler S, Jørgensen J, Schiller M, Wielandt D, Krot A & Bizzarro M |
(2016) Nucleosynthetic Heterogeneity and Bulk Silicate Earth Nd-Isotope Composition
Saji NS, Wielandt D & Bizzarro M |
(2016) From Chondrules to Planets – Tracking the Recycling of Solids in an Evolving Protoplanetary Disk
Bizzarro M, Bollard J, Connelly J & Wielandt D |