All abstracts by Kevin Rosso at Goldschmidt2014
(2014) Transient Surface Potential Gradients as a Driving Force for the Bulk Conduction Mechanism of Iron Oxide Recrystallization
Zarzycki P & Rosso K |
(2014) Size Effect on the Reduction of Hematite Nanoparticles with Outer Membrane Cytochromes OmcA of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Liu J, Pearce C, Shi L, Wang Z, Shi Z, Arenholz E & Rosso K |
(2014) Mechanistic Insights into the Water-Film Threshold for Silicate Carbonation in Wet-scCO2
Loring J, Benezeth P, Chen J, Qafoku O, Schaef T, Thompson C, Kerisit S, Ilton E, Felmy A & Rosso K |