All abstracts by Nicolas Dauphas at Goldschmidt2015
(2015) The Sm and Nd Isotopic Composition of Chondrites and the Earth
Burkhardt C, Borg L, Brennecka G, Dauphas N & Kleine T |
(2015) Spinel-Olivine-Pyroxene Equilibrium Iron Isotopic Fractionation and Applications to Natural Peridotites
Roskosz M, Sio C, Dauphas N, Bi W, Tissot F, Hu M & Alp E |
(2015) Pressure and Temperature-Dependent Cryotrapping of Ar in Amorphous Water Ice
Yokochi R, Schmitt B, Quirico E, Ciesla F, Davis A & Dauphas N |
(2015) Titanium Stable Isotope Fractionation during Planetary and Magmatic Differentiation Processes
Millet M-A, Williams H, Dauphas N, Burton K & Macpherson C |