All abstracts by Atsushi Takenouchi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Insights into KREEP-Free Volcanism on the Moon from Lunar MeteoritesSrivastava Y, Basu Sarbadhikari A, Day JMD, Yamaguchi A & Takenouchi A
(2021) I-Xe Ages of Chondrites and their Relationship to Solar-Wind Derived Noble Gas Concentrations
Arai K, Takenouchi A, Sumino H & Tachibana S
(2020) I-Xe Dating of Solar Noble Gas-Rich Meteorites
Arai K, Takenouchi A, Sumino H & Tachibana S
(2017) Iron Valence Variation in Plagioclase from Eucrite Meteorites: Additional Information and Implications
Mikouchi T, Satake W, Takenouchi A, Ono H & Buchanan P
(2016) Silica Polymorphs in Yamato-75011 Eucrite: Implications for their Formation Conditions
Ono H, Takenouchi A & Mikouchi T
(2016) Cooling History and Redox State of NWA 8694 Chassignite: Comparison with Chassigny and NWA 2737
Mikouchi T, Takenouchi A & Zolensky M