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All abstracts by Matthew S. Fantle in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Calcium Isotopes' Place in the Diagenetic Toolbox
Fantle MS & Barnes BD

(2015) Quantifying Diagenetic Alteration of Marine Carbonate δ26Mg in an Open System Influenced by Advection
Chanda P & Fantle M

(2015) The Fe Isotopic Composition of Biogenic Pyrite Formed in Euxinic Settings
Mansor M, Macalady J & Fantle M

(2015) Interpreting the Ca Isotopic Signal of Ocean Acidification in the Rock Record
Fantle MS, Kump LR & Ridgwell AJ

(2015) Effect of Amino Acids on the Growth Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Kubicki J & Fantle M

(2014) Effect of Amino Acids on the Precipitation Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Mansor M & Fantle M

(2014) Implications of CaCO3 Phase Heterogeneity for Interpretation of the Ca Isotopic Fractionation Factor: An in situ Study
Gonzales M & Fantle M

(2014) Evaluating the Leverage to Alter Seawater Chemistry: The Effects of Diagenesis and Dolomitization on Ca and Mg Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonates
Fantle M & Higgins J

(2014) Characterization of Phases and Fe Isotopes of Iron Sulfide Minerals in a Microbial Gradient Culture
Mansor M, Grettenberger C, Fantle M & Macalady J

(2014) Tracing Weathering Processes in Shale by Li Isotopes
Steinhoefel G, Fantle MS & Brantley SL

(2013) Using Isotopic and Morphological Evidence to Determine Biogenicity of Gypsum Precipitates in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
Harouaka K, Gonzales M, Eisenhauer A & Fantle M

(2013) Geochemical Evidence for Volcanic Activity Prior to and Enhanced Terrestrial Weathering during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Fantle M, Wieczorek R, Kump L & Ravizza G

(2012) Evaluating Pore Fluid Mg Isotopic and Elemental Constraints on Seawater Mg Chemistry in the Cenozoic
Fantle M & Teng F-Z

(2012) Investigating Controls on Calcium Isotope Ratios in Marine Carbonates and Barite Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Griffith E, Fantle M, Bullen T, Eisenhauer A & Paytan A

(2011) Unconstrained Fluxes to the Ocean: Calcium Isotopes in Dust-Producing Regions
Fantle M, Tollerud H, Eisenhauer A & Holmden C

(2009) Ca Isotope Constraints on Diagenetic Alteration of Cenozoic Paleoproxies
Fantle M

(2008) Rapid Recrystallization of Carbonates and Implications for Geochemical Proxies
Fantle M

(2008) Quantifying Aeolian Additions to Shale Hills Soils Through Analysis of Surface Manganese Enrichment
Herndon E, Jin L, Olsen A, Fantle M & Brantley S

(2007) Constraining Reaction Rates in Marine Carbonate Sediments Using Reactive Transport Modeling: Investigating the Effects of Diagenesis on Sr, Ca, and Mg
Fantle M & DePaolo D

(2004) Fe Isotopic Composition of Rivers
Fantle M, Bullen T & Depaolo D

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