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All abstracts by Xin Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Machine Learning Assisted Mineral Analysis: Case Studies on X-Ray Diffraction and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Liu J, Zhao X, Zhao K, Goncharov VG, Luo Y, Delhommelle J, Geng T, Li A, Zhang X & Guo X

(2023) Direct Visualization of X-Ray Enhanced Mineral Dissolution
Riechers S, Zhang X & Rosso KM

(2023) Understanding Interfacial Properties Associated with Radiation Effects in Complex Nuclear Environments
Pearce CI, Prange M, Young L, LaVerne J, Orlando T, Kimmel G, Liu L, Nienhuis-Marcial ET, Mergelsberg ST, Lu L, Li S, Riechers S, Anovitz LM, Zhang X, Wang Z, Li X, Clark AE, Rosso KM & Schenter GK

(2023) Boron Isotopes of Cold-Seep Carbonates Reveal Methane Seepage Intensity in the Past
Wang M, Stewart JA, Robinson LF, Feng D, Li T, Zhang X & Chen T

(2023) Directional Energy-Structure Relationship during Oriented Attachment of Gibbsite Nanoparticles
Ho T, Li X, Zhang X & Rosso KM

(2022) Identifying Prenucleation Species in Concentrated, Alkaline Sodium Aluminate Solutions to Improve Aluminum Processing Efficiency
Nienhuis-Marcial E, Wang H-W, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Prange M, Zhang X, Clark A, Schenter G, Rosso K & Pearce C

(2022) Double-Plunge Structure of the East Asian Summer Monsoon during Heinrich Stadial 1 Recorded in Xianyun Cave, Southeastern China
Qiu W, Zhang X, Jiang X, Hu H-M, Ma L, Xiao H, Cai B & Shen C-C

(2020) Probing Solid Transformation of Akaganéite to Iron Oxides by in situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
Zhang X, He Y, Kovarik L, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Du Y, Liu L, Wang C, De Yoreo J & Rosso K

(2020) Mechanistic Understanding of Electron-Beam Induced Akaganeite Nanorod Dissolution
Sassi M, Liu L, Nakouzi E, Kovarik L, Liang X, Zhang X, Rosso K & De Yoreo J

(2020) Understanding Torque-Generating Forces Enabling Crystal Growth by Oriented Attachment
Zhang X, He Y, Sushko M, Liu J, De Yoreo J, Mao S & Rosso K

(2020) Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius, and Rheology on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
Anovitz L, Huestis P, Krzysko A, Weston J, Zhang X, Chun J, Schenter G, Ilavksy J, Kuzmenko I, Frith M, Ivory C, Clark S, Weigandt K, Stack A, Bleuel M, Gagnon C & Mildner D

(2019) Iodine Concentration of Pore Waters Associated with Gas Hydrates in the Northern South China Sea
Fu P, Liu J, Wang Y, Lin L & Zhang X

(2019) A New Insight into the Geochemical Analysis of Cold Seeps in the South China Sea
Du Z, Zhang X, Luan Z & Yan J

(2019) Laser Alteration on Minerals from Hydrothermal and Cold Seep System by Raman Spectroscopy
Xi S, Zhang X, Luan Z, Du Z, Li L, Liang Z, Lian C & Yan J

(2019) Huge Underestimation for the Implication of Hydrothermal Gas Species on Ocean and Atmosphere
Li L, Zhang X, Luan Z, Du Z, Xi S & Yan J

(2019) Exploration and Application of Confocal Laser Raman Spectroscopy in Marine Microplastics
Liu J, Du Z, Zhang X, Luan Z & Yan J

(2019) Capturing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III)-oxide Minerals Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Zhang X, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Byun TS, Schreiber D & Rosso K

(2018) An in situ Look at Water, Ions and Forces at Mineral Surfaces and in Confinement
De Yoreo J, Kerisit S, Tuladhar A, Zhang X, Sushko M, Zhang S, Li D, Chun J, Wang Z, Nakouzi E & Rosso K

(2018) Ionic Liquid Glassification to Observe Aluminate Ion Speciation in Low Water Alkaline Environments
Graham T, Hu J, Shen Z, Dembowski M, Zhang X, Clark S, Schenter G, Pearce C & Rosso K

(2018) Correlating Mineral-Water Interface Structure to Particle Interactions and Emergent Phenomena
Chun J, Nakouzi E, Soltis J, Legg B, Schenter G, Zhang X, Graham T, Rosso K, Anovitz L & De Yoreo J

(2018) Geochemical Characteristics of Oil and Source Rock in Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin
Zhang X, Chen H & Su A

(2017) Metamorphism and Geochemical Characteristics of a Metamorphic Sole, Xigaze Ophiolite, Tibet
Li X-P, Zhang X & Wang Z

(2016) The Nanoscale Forces Behind Crystallization by Oriented Aggregation
Rosso K, Zhang X, Sushko M, Shen Z, Kerisit S, Li D, Chun J, Bowden M, Engelhard M, Liu J, Mundy C & De Yoreo J

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