All abstracts by Georg Zellmer in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Felsic Melts Differentiating to More Mafic Compositions Through Crystal Uptake: A Case of Felsic Parental Arc Magmas for Mafic Lava Flows at Taranaki Volcano, New ZealandD'Mello NG, Zellmer G, Ubide T, Caulfield J, Brahm R, Procter J, Kereszturi G & Stewart R
(2021) Magma Speed Dating: Syn-Eruptive Magma Mingling Determined Through Major Element and Volatile Exchange of Silicate Glass
Kilgour G, Lormand C, Zellmer G, Buse B, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H
(2016) Petrogenesis of Antecryst-Bearing Mexican Arc Basalts: Insights into along-Arc Variations in Magma Ponding Depths, H2O Contents, and Surface Heat Flux
Zellmer G, Pistone M, Iizuka Y, Andrews B, Gomez-Tuena A, Straub S & Cottrell E