All abstracts by Ke Zhu in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Ni Stable Isotope Fractionation during Core CrystallizationZhu K, Ni P, Chabot NL & Elliott T
(2022) Erg Chech 002 Crystallized at 4566.6 ±0.6 Ma Dated by 53Mn-53Cr Chronometry
Zhu K, Becker H, Li S-J, Liu X-N & Elliott T
(2021) Tracing the Origin and Differentiation of the Enstatite Achondrite Parent Bodies Using Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Schiller M, Becker H, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2019) Timing and Origin of the Angrite Parent Body Inferred from Cr Isotopes
Zhu K, Moynier F, Wielandt D, Larsen KK, Barrat J-A & Bizzarro M
(2017) 53Mn−53Cr Systematics of Chondrules in CO Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zhu K, Liu J & Qin L
(2015) Si-in-Rutile Observed in Eclogites from Dabie-Sulu Orogen: An Another Evidence of UHPM
Zhu K, Liang J-L & Shen J