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All abstracts by Toru Yada in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Initial and Advanced Description of Bennu Samples in JAXA Curation
Fukai R, Yada T, Nishimura M, Usui T, Abe M & OREx curation team J

(2023) New Consortium Study to Determine the Solar System Composition Using Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Dauphas N, Fukai R, Usui T, Tachibana S, Schönbächler M, Busemann H, Abe M & Yada T

(2019) Itokawa, a >4.2 Ga Old Rubble Pile Asteroid
Jourdan F, Timms NE, Nakamura T, Rickard WDA, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Bland PA, Oike R & Yada T

(2018) Impact Melt Immiscibility and Resulting Element Segregation on the Itokawa Asteroid
Timms N, Rickard W, Jourdan F, Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Daly L, Bland P, Nakamura T, Oike R & Yada T

(2016) Relationships Among Morphology, Microstructure, and Noble Gas Signatures of Four Itokawa Grains
Noguchi T, Okazaki R, Mitsunari T, Tobimatsu Y, Uesugi M, Yada T, Karouji Y, Hidaka H & Kimura M

(2015) Collisional History of Asteroid Itokawa
Jourdan F, Timms N, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Frew A, Bland P, Collins G, Davison T, Abe M & Yada T

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