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All abstracts by Márcio Roberto Wilbert de Souza in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2020) Carbonatite/Lamproite Liquid Imissibility in the Earth’s Mantle Through the Nefeline-Diopside-Kalsilite ±CO2, CH4, H2O Diagram
Vieira Conceicao R, Marcon VH, Wilbert de Souza MR, Colombo Carniel L, Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Rovane P, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & Schulz von Spitzenberger M

(2019) Testing Partially Abiotic Origin of Pre-Salt Oils by Experimental Petrology
Vieira Conceição R, Szatmari P, Wilbert de Souza M, Colombo Carniel L, Grings Cedeño D, Schmitt Quinteiro R, Pimentel Mizusaki AM & de Melo Portella Y

(2019) Study of Leucite-Nepheline-Diopside and Kalsilite-Nepheline-Diopside Phase Diagrams at 4GPa Under Dry Conditions
Wilbert de Souza MR, Vieira Conceição R, Marcon V, Grings Cedeño D, Schmitz Quinteiro RV & Colombo Carniel L

(2019) Celadonite, One Efficient Transporter of K and Water into the Mantle
Schmitz Quinteiro RV, Vieira Conceição R, Wilbert de Souza MR, Grings Cadeño D & Colombo Carniel L

(2015) The Subduction Role in the Nitrogen Transport to the Deep Earth
Grings Cedeño D, Vieira Conceição R, Wilbert de Souza MR & Colombo Carniel L

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