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All abstracts by Michael Vega in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Microbial Nitrogen and Arsenic Cyling in Rice Paddy Soils Under Alternate Wetting and Drying
Vega M, Quint B, Dignam W, Yoon H & Reid M

(2024) Genome-Resolved Metatranscriptomics Reveals Simultaneous Methylation and Demethylation of Arsenic Under Methanogenic Conditions in Rice Paddy Soil
Yoon H, Vega M & Reid M

(2020) Depth Distribution of Nitrate Attenuation Processes within a Redox-Stratified, Engineered Wetland Biomat
Vega M, Brady A, Lundeen E & Sharp J

(2020) Role of Sedimentary and Dissolved Organic Matter in Arsenic Mobilization in Bengal Basin
Kulkarni H, Datta S, Mladenov N, Johannesson K, Barua S, Berbue M & Vega M

(2020) Impact of Hydraulic Residence on SO42- and NO3- Reduction Dynamics in Woodchip Bioreactors Supporting a Unit Process Open Water Wetland
Brady A, Vega M, Riddle K & Sharp J

(2019) Spatial Variations and Role of Dissolved Organic Matter in Arsenic Mobilization in Bengal Basin
Datta S, Kulkarni H, Mladenov N, Johannesson K, Knappett P, Barua S, Vega M & Berube M

(2018) Oxyanion-Forming Trace Elements and Associated Geochemical Processes in High Arsenic Aquifers
Majumder S, Vega M & Datta S

(2015) Geochemistry of Mn and its Spatial Distribution in the Murshidabad District of West Bengal, India
Vega M, Datta S, Kulkarni H, Kempton P, Bhattacharya P, Mladenov N & Johannesson K

(2015) A Comparison of As Biogeochemistry in Southeast Asian Aquifers
Datta S, Barua S, Vega M, Kulkarni H, Kibria MG, Mladenov N, Hossain M, Bhattacharya P, Matin Ahmed K, Aziz Hasan M & Johannesson K

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