All abstracts by Brian G.J. Upton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The “Adventive Cones” of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion, Indian Ocean). Anomalous CompositionsUpton BGJ, Barling J, Bachèlery P, Odling N & Blichert-Toft J
(2015) Deep Crustal Xenoliths Document the Early Palaeozoic Transition from Active Margin to Intracontinental Setting of the Scottish Midland Valley
Badenszki E, Daly JS, Whitehouse MJ, Horstwood MSA, Kronz A, Lancaster PJ & Upton BGJ
(2015) Upper Mantle Sulphides as ‘Time Capsules’ for Critical Metals
Hughes H, McDonald I, Bybee G, Kinnaird J, Faithfull J & Upton B