All abstracts by Laurel ThomasArrigo in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Iron Mineral Transformations Induced by Ferrous Iron and Sulfide in NOM-Fe-Rich Peatland FlocsThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2016) Iron Atom Exchange Kinetics in Iron-Rich Organic Freshwater Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2015) Arsenic and Iron Cycling in Freshwater Flocs Under Sulfate-Reducing Conditions
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B & Kretzschmar R