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All abstracts by Gustaf Arrhenius in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2009) Sources and Properties of Carbon in Earth's Oldest Rocks
Arrhenius G, Daraio C, Misra A, Rudee L, Perez S, Lepland A & van Zuilen M

(2004) Do Early Archean Isua and Akilia Rocks Contain Traces of Life?
Lepland A, Whitehouse M, Layne G, Van zuilen M & Arrhenius G

(2004) Carbonaceous Matter in Early Archean Rocks; How to Recognize a Biosignature
Van Zuilen M, Lepland A & Arrhenius G

(2004) Mineral Surface Catalysis in Models for the Emergence of Life
Arrhenius G

(2002) Search for an Extraterrestrial Impact Record in Isua Sediments
Arrhenius G, Lepland A & Asaro F

(2002) Graphite and its Isotopic Composition as a Biomarker in Highly Metamorphosed Early Archean Rocks
van Zuilen M, Lepland A & Arrhenius G

(2002) Origin and Biologic Significance of Graphite and Apatite in Early Archean Supracrustal Rocks from Isua Belt and Akilia Association
Lepland A, van Zuilen M & Arrhenius G

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