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All abstracts by Radek Škoda in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Predicting the Crystal Structure of Beryl from Chemical Analyses
Henry RE, Groat LA, Cempirek J & Skoda R

(2020) Remobilization of HFSE and Formation of Rhabdophane and Corkite-Hinsdalite Under Supergene, Highly Acidic Conditions, Velence Hills, Hungary
Ondrejka M, Bačík P, Sobocký T, Mikuš T, Škoda R, Luptáková J & Uher P

(2019) Mechanical and Structural Properties of Radiation-Damaged allanite-(Ce)
Reissner CE, Bismayer U, Ewing RC, Navrotsky A, Reissner M, Paulmann C, Skoda R, Pöllmann H & Beirau T

(2019) Contrasting REE Patterns of Tourmaline and their Implications for the Melt Evolution; Example from LCT and NYF Pegmatites
Skoda R, Copjakova R & Novak M

(2015) Distribution of Li Among Magmatic Fe-Mg Silicates in Granitic Rocks
Čopjaková R, Škoda R, Vašinová Galiová M & Novák M

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