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All abstracts by Tomoki Sato in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Magmatic Evolution Leading to Multiple Calderagenic Eruptions at Kikai Volcano, Southwest Japan
Tejada MLG, Hanyu T, Miyazaki T, Hamada M, Chang Q, Sato T, McIntosh IM, Ueki K, Vaglarov B, Seama N, Kaneko K, Nakaoka R, Kiyosugi K, Suzuki-Kamata K, Tatsumi Y & Ishizuka O

(2019) Evolution of the N-Izu Rear Arc Magma Source as Revealed by the Site U1437 of IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Hamelin C, Gill J, DeBari S, Kimura J-I, Vaglarov B, Chang Q, Senda R & Haraguchi S

(2016) Advent of Continent: New Hypothesis and Evidence from Nishinoshima Volcano in the Ogasawara Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Sato T & Nichols A

(2016) Juvenile Magma Source of N-Izu Indicated by the Volcaniclastic Geochemistry in the Deepest Part of Site U1437, IODP Exp. 350
Miyazaki T, Sato T, Tamura Y, Horie K, Gill J, Senda R, Vaglarov B, Haraguchi S, Chang Q & Kimura J-I

(2015) Geochemical Variation of Izu Rear-Arc Volcanic Rocks at Drill Site U1437: Results from IODP Expedition 350
Sato T, Tamura Y, Miyazaki T, Horie K, Gill JB, Hamelin C, Senda R, Vaglarov BS, Haraguchi S, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Iodp Expedition 350 S

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