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All abstracts by Daniel J. Dunkley in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Crustal Evolution and Final Assembly of the Napier Complex – Record of Late Archean Magmatism and Metamorphism Inscribed in Zircon
Król P, Kusiak MA, Dunkley DJ, Whitehouse M & Wilde SA

(2023) Radiation-Damaged Zircon and its Dating: A Case Study of ca. 1.50 Ga Granitoid Veins Crosscutting Skarns in South-Eastern Lithuania
Skridlaite G, Siliauskas L, Whitehouse M & Dunkley DJ

(2022) Low-δ18O Signatures in Zircon – Evidence for Emergent Land in the Early Archean
Król P, Kusiak MA, Whitehouse MJ, Dunkley DJ & Wilde SA

(2020) Pb Nanospheres in Metamorphic Zircon
Kusiak MA, Wirth R, Dunkley DJ, Shumlyanskyy L, Whitehouse MJ & Wilde SA

(2020) Differences in Crustal Ages between the Tula and Scott Mountains of Enderby Land, East Antarctica
Król P, Kusiak MA, Dunkley DJ, Wilde SA, Yi K, Lee S & Whitehouse MJ

(2013) Ancient Mobilisation of Radiogenic Pb and Ti during High-Grade Metamorphism
Kusiak MA, Whitehouse MJ, Wilde SA, Dunkley DJ, Nemchin AA, Wirth R & Marquardt K

(2011) Experimental High-Grade Alteration of Zircon Using Alkali- and Ca-Bearing Solutions
Harlov D & Dunkley D

(2011) Processes and Timescale of Subduction Initiation and Subsequent Evolution of Izu-Bonin Mariana Island Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Reagan MK, Kanayama K, Umino S, Harigane Y, Sakamoto I, Miyajima Y, Yuasa M & Dunkley DJ

(2010) One Migmatite, Three Ages: Metamorphic Zircon Growth during and after Partial Melting?
Sajeev K & Dunkley DJ

(2010) Textural Diagnosis of Zircon Re-equilibration by Fluids and Melts during high-T Metamorphism
Dunkley DJ

(2010) Effects of Magma Hybridization and Late-Magmatic Fluids on Zircon in a Variscan Post-Collisional Pluton
Kusiak MA, Dunkley DJ & Słaby E

(2009) The Age of Serpentinization by the SHRIMP Dating of Zircon from the Metasomatic Rocks in Serpentinite
Fukuyama M, Ogasawara M, Dunkley D, Hokada T & Lee D-C

(2007) Isotopic Zonation in Zircon as a Recorder of Progressive Metamorphism
Dunkley D

(2007) Does Tanzawa Plutonic Complex Represent the IBM Middle Crust? New Age Constraint from SHRIMP Zircon U-Pb Geochronology
Tani K, Dunkley D, Wysoczanski R & Tatsumi Y

(2003) Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotopic Characters of Metamorphic Rocks from Howard Hills, East Antarctica
Miyamoto T, Yoshimura Y, Motoyoshi Y, Grew E, Dunkley D & Carson C

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