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All abstracts by Philippe Roux in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Changing Water Pathways Generates New Loci for Nutrient Release in the Critical Zone: Perspective from the Arctic
Opfergelt S, Roux P, Villani M, du Bois d'Aische E, Thomas M, Osy C, Henrion M, Hirst C & Denis G

(2017) Boron Biogeochemical Cycle in Forest Ecosystem: A Question of Long Term Soil-Water-Plant Dynamic
Lemarchand D, Roux P & Turpault M-P

(2016) The Biogeochemical Cycle of B and δ11B in a Forest Ecosystem
Roux P, Lemarchand D, Kirchen G, Redon P-O & Turpault MP

(2016) B Isotopes in Plant Tissues Reveal the Dynamics of Soil/Plant Exchanges
Lemarchand D, Roux P & Turpault M-P

(2015) Regional Control over B Concentration and δ11B Atmospheric Input
Roux P, Turpault M-P, Redon P-O & Lemarchand D

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