All abstracts by Pierangelo Romano in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) The a.D. 79 Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius: Timescales and Dynamics of Magmatic ProcessesRomano P, Pelullo C, Arienzo I, Doronzo D, Sparice D, Rizzo AL & Di Vito MA
(2021) Carbon Dioxide Storage in Basaltic Rocks: Observations in Natural Systems vs Laboratory Experiments
Romano P & Liotta M
(2015) Experimental Constraints on Pre-Eruptive Conditions of a Chemically-Zoned Peralkaline Ignimbrite: The Green Tuff Eruption at Pantelleria Island (Italy)
Romano P, Andujar J, Scaillet B & Rotolo S