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All abstracts by Christian J. Renggli in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Pyroxene/melt Partition Coefficients and their Impact on Models of Lunar Magma Ocean Evolution
Haupt CP, Klemme S, Renggli CJ, Rohrbach A, Berndt J, Schwinger S, Breuer D & Maurice M

(2023) Mineralogical and Isotopic Investigations of the 2019 Stromboli Paroxysm
Renggli CJ, Krause J, Genske F, Gilbricht S, Gattuso A, Berndt J & Giuffrida G

(2023) Constraining Volatile Element Loss Processes by Germanium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Renggli CJ & Kleine T

(2022) High Temperature Experimental and Isotopic Investigations of Zn during Sulfur-Bearing Magma Degassing
Yang C, Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Burkhardt C, Klemme S & Liu S-A

(2022) Influence of S and Cl on the Evaporation of Cu from Silicate Melts
Pangritz P, Renggli CJ, Berndt J, Rohrbach A & Klemme S

(2021) Experimental Investigation of Sulfidation of Silicates, Glasses and Melts Under Reducing Conditions
Renggli CJ, Morlok A, Klemme S, Berndt J, Weber I & Hiesinger H

(2019) Apollo 16 “Rusty Rock” Alteration by Metal Transport and Deposition from an Experimental Fumarolic Gas
Renggli CJ & Klemme S

(2018) Effect of Reactive Gases on Crust & Ocean Compositions on Earth & Mars
King PL, Renggli CJ & Palm AB

(2018) Raman and Infrared Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions between SO2 and Basaltic Glasses
Mernagh T, Palm A, Renggli C & King P

(2018) Simulation of Basaltic Glass Alteration by Hot Magmatic Gas
Renggli CJ & King PL

(2018) A New Pathway for Chemical Fractionation Resulting from SO2 – Basaltic Glass Reactions
Palm A, King P, Renggli C, Eggins S & Guagliardo P

(2015) A New Model for Volcanic Gas Compositions in Lunar Fire Fountain Eruptions
Renggli CJ, King PL & Henley R

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