All abstracts by Timothy Prisk in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) The Effects of Chemomechanical Processes on Limestone WeatheringCheshire M, Anovitz L, Prisk T, Emmanuel S, Weber J, Brantley S, Bleuel M, Ilavsky J, Mildner D & Gagnon C
(2018) Properties of Ultra-Confined Water: Effects on Phase Stability
Anovitz L, Kolesnikov A, Hoffmann C, Reiter G, Prisk T, Kent P, Mamontov E & Wesolowksi D
(2016) Architected Geomaterial Development for Geochemical Research
Anovitz L, Cheshire M, DiStefano V, Prisk T, Mildner D & Littrell K
(2015) Multiscale Effects of Reactivity and Flow Rate on Porosity during Dissolution of Carbonates
Anovitz L, Novack C, Prisk T, Ilavsky J, Hammons J, Mildner D, Wasborough M, Jacobson D & Hussey D