All abstracts by Oleg Oleinikov in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Unique Amphibole-Rich Mantle beneath the Leningrad Kimberlite Pipe, West Ukukit Field, NE YakutiaAshchepkov I, Babushkina S, Oleinikov O & Medvedev N
(2016) Are Cratonic Roots Forever? Erosion and Renewal of Siberian Cratonic Mantle
Ionov D, Golovin A & Oleinikov O
(2015) Age and Origin of Peridotites from the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite, NE Siberian Craton: A most Unusual Cratonic Xenolith Suite
Ionov D, Carlson R, Doucet L-S, Golovin A & Oleinikov O
(2015) High Water Content in Omphacite: Evidence from Yakutian Corundum-Bearing Eclogites
Radu I-B, Moine BN, Korsakov A, Ionov D, Golovin A, Oleinikov OB, Costin G & Cottin JY