All abstracts by Veronique Oldham in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species and (Iron)silicate (Nano)particles in the Mixing Zone Above Hydrothermal Vent OrificesLuther G, Shaw T, Estes E, Berti D, Hochella M, Yucel M, Findlay A, Ferry J, Rosas R, Coffey N, Oldham V & Dias D
(2019) Dissolved and Solid-Phase Fe and Mn Speciation in Marine Sediments
Oldham V, Hansel C, Wankel S, Karolewski J, Bernhard J, Michel A, Luther G, Tebo B & Mucci A
(2018) A Unique Mn Redox Cycle in the Ross Sea
Oldham V, Saito M, diTullio J & Hansel C
(2017) The Temporal Variability of Mn Speciation in the Chesapeake Bay and St. Lawrence Estuaries
Oldham V, Tebo B, Mucci A, Wright M, Jones M & Luther G
(2017) Manganese Speciation in Seawater: Reaching the (Sub)nanomolar Scale
Thibault de chanvalon A, Luther GW, Oldham V & Estes ER
(2015) Soluble manganese(III) is Ubiquitous in Natural Waters and Sedimentary Pore Waters
Luther G, Oldham V, Tebo B, Jones M, Mucci A & Sundby B