All abstracts by Paola Manzotti in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Rate of Detachment of Continental Slices from the Downgoing Slab in a Subduction ZoneManzotti P, Bosse V, Pitra P, Robyr M, Schiavi F & Ballèvre M
(2017) Geochemistry of Metagabbros: A Tool for Deciphering Tectonic Processes along an Alleged Subduction Interface
Ballèvre M, Manzotti P & Dal Piaz GV
(2015) Tracing Permian Metamorphism in Fragments of Continental Crust Through Rifting, Subduction and Orogenesis
Kunz BE, Manzotti P, von Niederhäusern B, Regis D, Burn M, Giuntoli F & Engi M