All abstracts by Seán H. McClenaghan in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) Geobotanical Prospecting Around the Navan Zn-Pb Deposit, Ireland: Developing Geochemical Vectors for Mineral ExplorationMavric D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber BS
(2015) Geochemistry as a Tool for Mineral Exploration at Ballinalack, Ireland
Kalveram A-K, McClenaghan SH, Hewson CJ, Cook S & Kamber BS
(2015) Indium-Bearing Polymetallic Veins of the Leinster Granite, Ireland
McClenaghan S
(2015) Geochemical Indicators in Higher Plants as an Exploration Tool
Mavrić D, Ashton JH, McClenaghan SH & Kamber B