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All abstracts by Damien Maher in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Dissolved Carbon Biogeochemistry and Export from a Mangrove Estuary
Ho D, Wanninkhof R, Friederich G, Del Castillo C, Maher D, Dulai H & Schlosser P

(2015) Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in a Mangrove Creek Driven by Tidal Pumping: Insights from Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry
Call M, Maher D & Santos I

(2015) Are Mangrove Carbon Exports Old or Modern? A Multiple Radio- and Stable Isotope Analysis
Maher D, Call M, Santos I, Sanders C, Schulz K, Jenkinson A & Jacobsen G

(2015) The Porewater Carbon Pump
Santos I & Maher D

(2015) Drivers of Coastal Water pH – Examples from an Australian River Estuary, the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and Coral Reefs Globally
Eyre B, Maher D, Cyronak T, Schulz K & Alongi D

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