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All abstracts by Gabor Kereszturi in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Felsic Melts Differentiating to More Mafic Compositions Through Crystal Uptake: A Case of Felsic Parental Arc Magmas for Mafic Lava Flows at Taranaki Volcano, New Zealand
D'Mello NG, Zellmer G, Ubide T, Caulfield J, Brahm R, Procter J, Kereszturi G & Stewart R

(2020) Crystal Stratigraphy of Taranaki Lavas, New Zealand
D'Mello N, Ubide Garralda T, Zellmer GF, Procter J, Kereszturi G & Caulfield J

(2019) Magmatic System Evolution Under the Active Volcano of Deception Island (Antarctica): Evidences from Stable Isotopes
Álvarez-Valero AM, Aulinas M, Geyer A, Gisbert G, Kereszturi G, Núñez-Guerrero E, Polo-Sánchez A & Sumino H

(2015) Spatio-Temporal Mantle Source Mapping of a Distributed Intraplate Volcanic System, the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
Brenna M, Kereszturi G, Wang T & Cronin S

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