All abstracts by Ting Dong in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2012) The Co-evolution of Prokaryotes-Eukaryotes and Ocean Chemistry on the North China Craton during Mesoproterozoic (1.6 – 1.3 Ga)Wang C, Wang M, Xu J, Li Y, Yu Y, Bai J, Dong T, Wang J, Huang S, Zhang X, Wang L, Xiong X & Gai H
(2011) 13α(n-alkyl)-Tricyclic Terpanes: A Series of Biomarkers for the Unique Microbial Mat Ecosystem in the Middle Mesoproterozoic (1.45~1.30Gyr) North China Sea
Wang C, Wang M, Xu J, Li Y, Yu Y, Bai J, Dong T, Zhang X, Xiong X & Gai H