All abstracts by Hailiang Dong in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Transverse Electron Exchange Pathways in Nontronite from First PrinciplesSimonnin P, Dong H, Neumann A & Rosso K
(2020) Role of Clay Minerals in Catalyzing Orgamic Matter Transformation Under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions
Zeng Q & Dong H
(2020) Fe Redox Cycling Revealed by Ligand-Promoted Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Clay Mineral
Zhao S, Jin Q, Agrawal A & Dong H
(2020) Mechanisms of Enhanced Antibacterial Activity by Reduced Chitosan-Intercalated Nontronite
Xia Q, Wang X, Zeng Q, Zhu Z & Dong H
(2020) Uranium Bioreduction in the Presence of Fe(III)-bearing Clay Mineral and Organic Acids
Zhang L, Dong H, Boyanov M, Kemner K & O’loughlin E
(2020) Chromium Transformation in the Presence of Both Clay Minerals and Organic Ligands Under Fluctuating Redox Conditions
Liu X & Dong H
(2016) Fe(II) Sorption onto Different Sites of Clay Mineral and its Biooxidation Activity
Zhang L, Dong H, Pentrák M, Stucki J & Kukkadapu R
(2016) The Biomass and Biodiversity of the Continental Subsurface Biosphere
Onstott T, Magnabosco C, Lau M, Kieft T, vanHeerden E, Dong H, Lin L, Pedersen K, Ghiorse W & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) Evaluation of Genetic Potential and of Source Rocks by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Longbottom T, Hockaday W, Boling K, Li G, Letourmy Y, Dong H & Dworkin S
(2014) Authigenic Smectite Formation in Acid-Sulfate Systems: Implications for Martian Geochemistry
Phillips-Lander C, Zhao L, Dong H, Fowle D & Roberts J
(2014) Microbial Diversity and the Corresponding Environmental Variables in Acidic Hot Springs Using Next Generation Sequencing
Huang Q, Dong H, Briggs B & Jiang H
(2014) The Role of Methanogens in the Preservation of Organic Matter in Smectite Mineral
Zhang J, Dong H, Zeng Q & Agrawal A
(2014) Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analysis of the C, N, and S Cycles in Qinghai Lake, China
Briggs B, Huang Q, Wu G, Jiang H & Dong H
(2011) Uranium Valence Cycling with Iron-Rich Phyllosilicates
Burgos W, Luan F, Boyanov M, Kemner K & Dong H
(2011) Role of Microbe in the Formation of Illite from Nontronite: Mesophilic and Thermophilic Bacterial Reaction
Jaisi D, Eberl D, Dong H & Kim J
(2010) Reduction of Structural Fe(III) in Clay Minerals by Mesophilic and Thermophilic Methanogens
Zhang J, Liu D, Dong H & Bishop M
(2010) Reduction-Oxidation Cyclings of Clay Mineral Nontronite (NAu-2) and Its Effect on Tc Immobilization
Yang J, Dong H & Bishop M
(2010) Reactivity of Clay Minerals Towards Technetium Immobilization
Bishop ME & Dong H
(2008) Biogeochemical Redox Reactions Controlling Technetium-99 Solubility
Plymale A, Kennedy D, Jaisi D, Dong H, Heald S, Dohnalkova A, Marshall M, Zachara J, McKinley J & Fredrickson J
(2001) Biomineralization Associated with the Reduction of Iron Oxide
Dong H