All abstracts by Ganqing Jiang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) The End of the Marinoan Glaciation: An Enigma Shrouded in Ice, Methane and Carbon DioxideBrand U, Blamey N, Jiang G, Riechelmann S & Morrison AK
(2018) Glacial Oxygen Delivery in the Neoproterozoic: Fe Isotope Evidence
Lechte M, Wallace M, Hood A, Planavsky N, Li W, Jiang G, McColl S & Asael D
(2018) Rapid Microbial-Methane Deglaciation of the Marinoan Snowball Earth
Brand U, Blamey N, Shaver K, Guo W, Jiang G, Parnell J & Buhl D
(2015) A Sequential Leaching Method to Measuring Primary Signatures on Partially Altered Bulk Carbonates
Bellefroid E, Planavsky N, Jiang G & Hood A