All abstracts by Assaf Gal in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) General Features of Metal Sulfide Biomineralization and Latest Findings About Microbial Copper Sulfide BiomineralizationPark Y, Eyal Z, Pekker P, Chevrier DM, Lefèvre CT, Arnoux P, Armengaud J, Monteil CL, Gal A, Pósfai M & Faivre D
(2021) The Nanoscale Environment of Coccolith Formation
Gal A
(2016) Molecular-Functional Insights into Biomimetic Pathways
Kababya S, Gal A, Kahil K, Weiner S, Addadi L & Schmidt A
(2015) Imaging Intracellular Calcium Accumulation in Coccolithophores Using Cryo-X-Ray Tomography
Gal A, Faivre D & Scheffel A
(2015) Experimental Evidence for a Spinodal Region in the Phase Diagram of Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Vidavski N, Gal A, Weiner S, Addadi L & Fratzl P
(2015) Crystal Growth Mechanisms in Biomineralization: Solution Mediated Growth Versus Amorphous Precursor Nanoparticle-Mediated Accretion
Gal A, Weiner S & Addadi L