All abstracts by Michaela Dippold in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) De-Novo Synthesis Versus Recycling: Relevance Under Disturbed and Steady-State Conditions in SoilDippold M, Bore E & Kuzyakov Y
(2016) Recycling Versus Inaccessibility: Which Mechanisms Stabilize Organic Carbon at Mineral Surfaces?
Dippold M, Apostel C, Dyckmans J & Kuzyakov Y
(2014) Ancient Calcified Roots Reveal Long-Term Rhizomicrobial Activity in the Deep Subsoil
Gocke M, Huguet A, Derenne S, Fosse C, Dippold M, Kolb S & Wiesenberg GLB
(2011) Coupling Isotope Labelling with Compound Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Microbial Biomarkers
Dippold M, Apostel C, Sauheitl L, Glaser B & Kuzyakov Y